Thai massage uses gentle pressure and stretching techniques to loosen up the entire body. This massage aims to promote the circulation of both blood and lymph, release blockages and stretch the muscles leaving the body relaxed, energetic and flexible.
This facial treatment gives you a subtle glow in a very short time. It refreshes intensively and reduces the feeling of dry skin. It is enough to correct small imperfections on the skin's surface, blackheads, open pores and fine lines. A mini facial treatment restores blood circulation in the skin layers and improves the skin's appearance.
This 100% pure and natural patented algae cream is rich in minerals, vitamins and trace elements and contributes to a fit body and overall revitalization. The benefits of this treatment include detoxification, body contouring, skin tightening and skin smoothing.
Relax with our Signature massage that uses a mix of Swedish, Balinese and Aroma techniques of rhythmic continuous strokes of the palms, fingertips and effleurages that stimulate blood circulation. The combination of oil and massage techniques will refresh and renew your body. The right treatment after a long drive or walk which will make you feel relaxed and rejuvenated.